All posts tagged: confidence

Agony Answers: I can’t say no

Q: I can’t seem to say no to people and often make myself stressed because I have too much going on. I feel as if my generosity isn’t reciprocated by friends or family and I don’t know how to start saying no, or asking for help myself. A: It’s difficult. We’re taught from an early age to be ‘nice’ and helpful but unfortunately it often ends up, as you have found to your cost, by you becoming a stressed-out doormat. In fact, not saying no can be actively bad for our health. Dr George F Solomon, a psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of psychoneurimmunology (the study of mind-body relationships) found he could tell the state of a person’s immune system by asking one simple question: ‘Could you say ‘no’ to a request for a favour?’ The ability to say no reflects assertiveness, ensuring that you don’t run the risk of becoming a self-sacrificing martyr. It shows that you can take care of your own needs. Think about it this way. Saying ‘no’ is about …

Simple ways to gain confidence

Confidence is the greatest gift under the sun.  When your confidence is high you can conquer the world.  You can take control of your life in every way: work goes swimmingly; relationships become more straightforward.  The world simply feels like a friendlier place.  Yet few of us have unlimited stores of self-confidence.   We are far more likely to suffer self-doubt and self-criticism than revel in self-adoration.  Why?  Generally it goes back to childhood when we picked up all those negative messages from a host of concerned grown-ups both at home and at school.  They told us it was a dangerous world out there; to be careful; to be prepared for the worst so we wouldn’t be too disappointed when it happened.  No wonder we grew up doubting ourselves.  But it’s never too late to learn new tricks to foster self-confidence.  The following methods can help anyone feel happier and more at ease in life.  Try them – you just might change your whole life. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THOUGHT:  “It’s a peculiar quirk of human nature …

Brain gym – simple exercises for a better mind and body

A simple series of exercises could help your brain function better, making you sharper, smarter – and far more confident.  Brain Gym comprises very easy body movements which have been designed to coax the two hemispheres of the brain to work in synchronisation. Apparently when our brains become balanced,  our whole bodies respond, revitalising our natural healing mechanisms, restoring health and harmony.   Brain Gym can do everything from speeding up your reading to boosting self-esteem.  It can improve your eyesight and even increase your creativity.   It gives you a cutting edge both in the office and in your personal life, improving communication skills, helping you make better decisions and even giving you a boost when you’re facing rejection or disappointment. Brain Gym is the practical self-help side of Educational Kinesiology, a system which developed out of work with dyslexia and learning disabilities in children.  Researcher Dr Paul Dennison found that very simple body movements could help to improve brain function.  Kay McCarroll, whose dyslexia ruined her school days, now teaches and promotes the system in the …